Friday, March 22, 2013

Sugar Run Siberians

Welcome to Sugar Run Siberians!  I look forward to sharing my love of the Siberian Forest Cat with you and will frequently post updated photos of the Cats and their Kittens! 

I have always loved cats, but as I got older, I found myself to be allergic to them.  This was very upsetting and our home felt empty not having a cat companion.  Then one day, I was introduced to the Siberian Forest Cat, and immediately fell in love!  I was fascinated and hopeful by the claims that for some people with cat allergies, they could have a Siberian Forest Cat and not have allergic reactions.  I was hoping that I would be as fortunate, so I adopted our first Siberian Forest Cat, Alina and it was as I hoped!  Alina is a beautiful Seal Lynx Point!  She has brought joy to my life and I always look forward to seeing what she'll do next! 

Siberian Forest Cats are famously described as "Dog Like", I think their more Human Like!, but either way, they are a joy and any family would be fortunate to have one as part of their family. 
Pictured Below is Alina, my first Siberian Forest Cat!
In April 2013, our first breeding pair will arrive from Moscow, Russia.  Mommy (Roberta) is a Seal Point and Dad (Silvestre) is a Red Point!  Their first litter is expected to be available for adoption in 2014!  I'll keep you updated with Pictures and Posts!